Silver Dragon is an off grid, Bio-dynamic, ridge-top farm, located 2300 feet above sea level.Our crops are lovingly grown in the midst of Black Oak, Madrone, Doug Fir, Ponderosa Pine, and Tan Oak Forests.
At Silver Dragon Farms we strive to grow the best Sativas and exotic flavors and sun grown flowers available. Years of cultivation has yielded some of the best, award winning poduct on the market today. You can Experience the MAGIC of Silver Dragon Farms today at select California retailers.
Silver Dragon is an off grid, Bio-dynamic, ridge-top farm, located 2300 feet above sea level.Our crops are lovingly grown in the midst of Black Oak, Madrone, Doug Fir, Ponderosa Pine, and Tan Oak Forests. Established in 2006 and active member of CGA, BDANC, and MAPS. We take pride in our Visionary Grade Cannabis Products, Mendocino Sun-grown Artisanal Flowers while practicing Biodynamic Regenerative Permaculture Arts.Our mission is to provide exceptional herbs for the mind, body, and spirit.

At Silver Dragon Farms we strive to grow the best Sativas and exotic flavors and sun grown flowers available
Tomki area of Mendocino, County.
I learned to grow plants starting with roses and bonsai, however my mother and grandmother were gardeners who produced vegetables and fruits and “put them up” to preserve the harvests. Later, I studied permaculture and later worked on a cannabis farm in Mendo in 2004. I also learned mushroom cultivation from Paul Stamets around that time.